Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ilustraciòn "Eagleowl" Edward Lear,1837

Las obras de Lear se exponen en los Museos de Londres al igual que en su casa, actualmente el Hotel "Edward Lear" en Londres. Lear està entre los 100 mejores escritores del mundo segùn la crìtica literaria inglesa.

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Location: Researcher, Canada

PhD Law Candidate (2006-2010); LL.M University of Ottawa (2006-2007) Canada; M.Ed. Student University of Saskatchewan, Canada; J.D. Catholic University (2005,UCAB) and B.H. Education, Catholic University (2004,UCAB) in Venezuela. Working Experience: Law Clerk in the Supreme Court, consultant in the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and Consultant at the City Mayor Hall, Chacao, Caracas Venezuela. Currently in the Ottawa City, Canada.