Monday, December 19, 2005

Arte Edward Lear

Arte Edward Lear
Originally uploaded by CarLeo.

Tìtulo de la Obra:

Ilustraciòn de la Familia de Psittacidae.

Bella pintura de Edward Lear. Usted puede ver otras bellezas en:

My Photo
Location: Researcher, Canada

PhD Law Candidate (2006-2010); LL.M University of Ottawa (2006-2007) Canada; M.Ed. Student University of Saskatchewan, Canada; J.D. Catholic University (2005,UCAB) and B.H. Education, Catholic University (2004,UCAB) in Venezuela. Working Experience: Law Clerk in the Supreme Court, consultant in the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and Consultant at the City Mayor Hall, Chacao, Caracas Venezuela. Currently in the Ottawa City, Canada.